Surrender an Animal


VHSAR is the only “open admissions” animal shelter and low-cost clinic on our small island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Our traditional, long-standing open admissions means we accept all dogs and cats* without question, and regardless of condition, need, breed, or space. We understand that this open-door policy is a vital one for our community.

*VHS does not admit community cats that are deemed non-adoptable. Cats accustomed to outdoor living often experience significant emotional and physical distress when brought into the shelter, which can lead to a decline in health and, in some cases, necessitate humane euthanasia. Even if they remain healthy, these cats are unlikely to be adopted and would instead spend their lives in kennels. To provide a more suitable solution, VHS offers a Trap-Vaccinate-Neuter-Return Home (TVNRH) service, ensuring the cats' health and safely returning them to their natural environment. Visit Alley Cat Allies for more information.

If you need to surrender a pet to VHS, please call us at (787) 741-0209 or email